Well, it's been a snowy one hasn't it? Burning Every Bridge is based in London where we don't normaly get a lot of snow but yesterday we got heaps of it! Most of the transport was closed so everyone was stuck where they were! Most shcools were cancelled which is good :D If the snow really affected your day why don't you tell us- we would love to hear your snow stories. We'll even publish it ont eh website! Just click on the contact us page and enter in your story!

We all know it's that time of year again. Valentine's Day! And if you really want to show your loved one how you feel why don't you give them a beautiful bracelet, necklace or tutu? Also we have a limited box gift set for this special day. And it is appropriately called....
Have a little love
This gift set contains as many bracelets as you want and a very beautiful necklace in whatever colour you want. Perfect! And the price isn't bad either. The price ranges from £3 to £7.50.

We can also make you your very own gift box if you want - you can even give it it's own name and we will publish it if it's really good! These personalised gift sets cost about £7.00 and you can choose to give up to five bracelets, necklaces and you can give one lovely tutu.
As always jsut contact us to find out mroe or to place your order!

Enjoy the snow!

The Team x